Friday, 28 April 2017

Reservation [A curse in the name of equality]



Reservation is actually a quite complex topic to be discussed in a blog .
Do really talent  need reservation?
Not in my  opinion .reservation demoralises kids from general community who are more talented .
Being a kid from general community they have to struggle in every filed
from  getting admissions in college to  getting jobs .
Person getting half the marks of an general guy gets a seat in the college of their choice
Hows that justified for equality.  
I am not against the upliftment of the minorities
If government really want to help minorities help them in their studies pay
for their education if they really want their upliftment
How does  giving away seats on the basis of  just caste promote equality
If a person becomes doctor if he is not talented enough hows that going to help our country ?
How  can they treat people when they have not any idea [I am not against all the persons of minorities who are talented .]
There are many people from minorities who  don't need  reservation to get a seat in college or get a job
Reservation for disabled person is good
But this caste base reservaion is not good for the society
Equalty means oppurtinity for all .
Reservation is a  total unfair practice
Government should pay the expenses of the minorities who they think can't afford studies rather than giving away seats
Reservation is killing too many dreams .
If a person is born in a general family that doesnt means he's rich or If a person is born in a backward community doesn't means he's poor and he needs reservattion forhis upliftment
There are many ways for the upliftment for the minorities  but reservation is long way from equality .
I dont see it helping in equality in anyway.

I didn't meant to offend anyone 
its just my point of view on equality

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